Fixed Frame Screen System with Various Masking Options
Deciding what masking to add to a two-piece projection system can seem challenging. Let us intelligently steer you through the process to guarantee your install precisely matches your viewing preferences. We start with a single position, constant height system, deployment masks — giving you a choice of two, perfectly masked aspect ratios. We also offer constant width iterations which provide continuously variable image aspect ratios from the native resolution of your projector to the widest CinemaScope formats possible. Hybrid, four-way systems, combining the two approaches, are also available and will deliver a legacy 4:3 aspect ratio that vintage film cinephiles will love.
With masking, there are no gray bars on the screen when aspect ratios change. Masking also adds perceived contrast to the image, making colors more vibrant and alive. Our deep black velvet Velux fabric also absorbs stray light overscan while enhancing the system’s visual appeal.
When you desire a straightforward, simplified system featuring two possible image areas, our WallMask VM with vertical masking is a great choice. A typical configuration is a native Scope screen that will mask down to HD when side masking panels effortlessly deploy. With vertical masking, image width is reduced while image height remains constant. Many projectors will send a 12V trigger signal for change of image formatting. This screen system features automatic control and will correctly change as prompted.
The WallMask HM provides multiple aspect ratios, all perfectly matted in the pixel for pixel technique favored in most post-production digital intermediate suites. The system usually starts with a native area equal to the pixel map of the projector, typically 1.78:1 or 1.85:1. Each aspect ratio with a wider format is presented in a constant width variant while the height area remains continuously variable. The horizontal masking raises and lowers image height, all the way to the widest formats. The CVM digital closed loop system is the control package that supports all possible ratios and will work flawlessly to give you a picture perfect image.
With over 25 different optically immaculate screen fabrics, we make sure you get the right material for your viewing environment. For true, acoustic transparency, add MicroPerf X² THX Ultra to your screen selection.
Each WallMask screen system is operated seamlessly via a selection of low voltage controllers ranging from simple 12V triggers to the mighty CVM, a multichannel, encoder equipped, closed-loop control system. The CVM (Continuous Variable Masking) will interface with all of today's automation platforms, making operation of your system as easy as pushing a few buttons.
Gain: 0.7, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 0.9, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 1.0, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 1.0, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 1.5, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 1.1, Max size: 8'6" x 120'
Gain: 0.9, Max size: 8'6" x 120'
Gain: 0.7, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 1.3, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 3.0, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 2.3, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 1.0, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 1.0, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 1.3, Max size: 8'6" x 120'
Gain: 1.3, Max size: 40' x 90'
Gain: 1.5, Max size: 40' x 90'